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Peaslee FAQ s

Marguerite E. Peaslee School 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of the school day?

School begins at 8:50 and ends at 3:20. Half-day dismissals take place at 12:00 PM.

Children may arrive no earlier than 8:30. Students who arrive after 8:50 are considered tardy.

The school office is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The school office is closed during the summer months.

How do I register my child?

Parents/guardians of students new to Peaslee School register at the Peaslee office while school is in session. During the summer when the schools are on break, all registrations take place at the Superintendent’s Office (located at 53 Parkerville Road, Southborough, MA). We ask that you notify the principal of your intent to register your student(s) via e-mail during the summer.  Parents/Guardians new to Peaslee must provide proof of residence, an original copy of the child's birth certificate and current health/immunization records. Registration forms are available on the Peaslee School website ( During the summer months, please call Mrs. Nancy Bissett at the Superintendent's Office at 508-486-5115 in order to enroll your child(ren). Thank you!

How do I register my child for Kindergarten?

Kindergarten registration takes place during January of each year. Children are eligible for Kindergarten if they will have reached five years of age on or before August 31 of the year of admission. Kindergarten is either a half-day or a full-day program. Kindergarten registration materials will be mailed to the household of each age-eligible child as listed in the Town of Northborough census. Families new to town or who may not be included in the census are urged to contact the school as early as possible to ensure inclusion in the registration process. Required information to register a student in Northborough Public Schools includes proof of residency, a birth certificate, medical/immunological record and student, family and emergency contact information provided by the parents/guardians. Information about previous attendance to preschools or private kindergartens will be valuable.

All future Kindergarten students are screened in the spring before entering Kindergarten. Screening is a team process. The staff who administer the screening may include, but are not limited to, Kindergarten teachers, special educators, the speech and language pathologist, reading specialist, school nurse, school psychologist and occupational therapist. The tool used is the DIAL-4 assessment. The screening components include key areas of speech and language, fine and gross motor, and beginning academic skills.

How will my childʼs teacher be selected?

Included in the registration packet is a Student Placement Information form. The information you include on this form will assist the team in making a thoughtful placement decision. It is very helpful to have your childʼs academic file in advance of making placement decisions. Please see the following information about our typical placement process:

Each spring teachers begin the process of creating new classes of students for the following school year. This is one of the most important tasks our staff takes on as we consider the strengths and needs of our students both individually and collectively. The principal and staff work to form classroom groups in a way that balances age, ability, talents, needs and temperament. This is a complex and time-consuming process that teachers and the principal take very seriously to obtain the very best class assignment for each student. Parents often ask if they can have input into the selection of their child's teacher. The principal is open to receiving your comments about your child's learning style, social and academic needs, and any other pertinent information that would be helpful in determining their placement. This information should be detailed on the Student Information Sheet distributed to parents in April. However, requests for specific teachers are not possible and will not be honored. The principal approves all final placement decisions. 

Does the district offer transportation?

Northborough offers free bus transportation to students who live within the busing district of each school. Parents/guardians may contact the school secretary to get information about buses in your area. During the summer months, you may contact Central Office at 508-486-5115.

What should I do if my child is going to be absent?

Please call the school office before 8:30 a.m. and leave a message reporting your child’s absence. Your message should include your childʼs first and last name, grade and teacher, and reason for absence. We are obligated by law to follow up if we do not receive a call reporting a childʼs absence. 

What are my options for drop off and dismissal?

Option 1: BUS: Your child may take the bus to and from school (if you are within the busing district). 

Option 2: PARENT/GUARDIAN DROP-OFF AND PICK UP: Parents/guardians may drop children off after 8:30 AM in the front of the building. Parents/Guardians may also pick children up at the end of the day with a photo ID.

Option 3: WALKERS: Children in grades 2 and up may walk to and from school. Younger children (K/1) can be escorted by an older sibling in 5th grade. Parents in cars may not pick up students who have been dismissed as walkers on the street.

May I change a dismissal plan?

Yes. If your child will not be following the typical form of dismissal, you must send in a written note to your childʼs teacher informing the school of change in dismissal plans. Please do not send an email. If you have day-of dismissal changes, please contact the office before 12:00 p.m. Changes after 12:00 p.m. may not be honored. 

What immunizations and health information are required before my child may begin school?

The following immunizations and health information are required in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Proof of these up-to-date immunizations and heath information is required before your child may begin school.

•        Five (5) doses of DtaP/DTP •        Four (4) doses of Polio •       Two (2) doses of MMR •  Three (3) doses Hepatitis B • One (1) dose of Varicella or physician certified reliable history of chicken pox. •  Result of a lead screen test. 

If my child is transferring to Peaslee, how do I ensure that my childʼs academic records are sent to Peaslee?

You will need to sign the “Release of Records” form. You should give this release to the secretary at Peaslee School and she will fax it to your childʼs sending school. The earlier we have this information, the better. If your child is on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan, it is critical that we know this right away and we have a copy of your childʼs IEP or 504 plan.


On a weekly basis, notices from the district, school, PTO or other entities will be distributed. In addition, a lunch menu is posted in the e-backpack section of the school website just before a new month begins. The e-backpack is the best way to stay informed. These weekly packets are sent directly to families via e-mail. If communication is urgent or requires return, a hard copy will be sent home in students’ classroom folders. Please keep your contact information up to date so that we may provide the information that you need. The yearlong history of electronic backpacks can also be found on the school website. We understand that not all of our families have access to e-mail or the Internet. If you do not have access to e-mail or the Internet, we are happy to make alternate arrangements.

*Please keep in mind that inputting new email addresses into our central database may take up to two weeks. All information for weekly e-backpacks is available on our school website.

Weekly Parent/Guardian News

The Weekly Parent/Guardian News is one of the best sources for keeping in touch with the school and community events. The news is posted on the school website each week (usually on Sundays) and is distributed via e-mail.  


Formal Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled in November and in March. Conferences are scheduled for afternoon and evening, by appointment only. Information regarding conferences is sent home prior to scheduling. Informal conferences may be scheduled with teachers as the need arises. Parents sometimes have a need to discuss their childʼs progress between conferences. Parents should send a written message to the teacher requesting a conference. Parents should not go to a classroom during the school day unannounced to discuss a childʼs progress as this practice could be disruptive to the teacherʼs class preparation time and to studentsʼ learning.

How much are school lunches?

Lunch with milk: $3.00 Milk: $.60

Students may bring cash to school to pay for lunch and/or milk. We strongly encourage using our pre-paid lunch system. Pre-paid lunches are available via the link on the school website or by clicking  Parents may pre-pay as many lunches as they wish for the school year.

Parents are invited to eat lunch with their child anytime. Any parent wishing to purchase a school lunch should notify the school by 9:30 a.m. We ask your cooperation in not bringing fast food or soda from outside the school for lunch, as eating in the cafeteria is an experience in nutrition education. Adult lunches are $3.25 (with milk), including tax. Adult milk is $.60.

Applications for the free and reduced meal program are included in the registration packet. Applications may also be completed at any time during the school year if there is a change of status. This process is completely confidential. 

Do children bring snacks to school?

Students should bring their own snack to school each day. There is no school-provided snack. Students are not allowed to share snacks. It is suggested that parents/guardians send in a nutritious snack. 

Does Peaslee have a breakfast program?

Northborough does not have a breakfast program. Research shows that students who eat a nutritious breakfast are ready to learn. We encourage families to create time each morning for a well-balanced breakfast. The rigor of the Massachusetts learning standards requires a well-fed mind and body.

May parents volunteer and chaperone field trips?

Yes! Peaslee relies on parent volunteers. All volunteers must fill out a CORI form before volunteering in a public school. Adults cannot volunteer or attend field trips unless they have an updated CORI on file with Northborough Public Schools. CORI status in other districts or workplaces are nontransferable. Due to processing time, CORI forms must be completed at least two weeks before you are planning to volunteer or attend a field trip.

Please stop by the Peaslee School main office to fill out a CORI form. The CORI applicant must be present to fill out CORI paperwork. Please bring your driverʼs license with you. We will need to make a copy of it.

Does the school offer before and after-school programs?

Before- and after-school programs are available at the school, but are not run by the school. The Town of Northboroughʼs Office of Family and Youth Services, located in town hall, provides executive, supervisory and administrative management for the Northborough Extended Day Program (NEDP).

NEDP is a before- and after-school program for grades K through five. The program has been recognized by the Massachusetts Office for Children as a model after school program. It is designed to be safe, stimulating and attentive to the social, emotional and physical needs of children. Morning and afternoon schedules are provided. Additional information, including registration may be obtained through the Office of Family and Youth Services at the Town Hall or by calling 508-393-7020.

Does Peaslee have a PTO?

Peaslee welcomes parent involvement in our schools. Parents are active supporters of many of our programs and countless activities within individual classrooms. The school has an active parent organization that provides a formal way for parents to be involved in Peaslee School. All families are urged to participate in the PTO. The main functions of the PTO are to organize family events, network with parents, bring arts and enrichment performances to the Peaslee School community, and provide support to many school efforts.

Why should I participate in the PTO?

It is important for all parents/guardians to have an avenue for input into the school their children attend. It is important for children to see that their parents/guardians care enough about their school to be involved. This demonstrates to children that we all have an investment in our school community.  The PTO needs your help in many ways. Our numerous programs and projects require hours of manpower and a wide variety of skills. There are many opportunities and different ways to become involved. If each of us does a little, the big job gets easier.  There is an enormous sense of satisfaction that comes from doing a job that enriches the lives of our children. The PTO is a terrific way to meet other parents/guardians with similar interest and goals. Many great friendships have been the result of working together on a PTO project.

What community events are typically offered?

The Peaslee School PTO typically organizes many social programs throughout the school year for Peaslee families. Some have been offered at little or no cost to our families. Other programs are organized with the goal of providing a social event that also allows us to raise funds.

May I observe a classroom before deciding to send my child to Peaslee?

While we certainly understand parent interest in making an informed decision about schooling, we are not able to accommodate classroom observations for prospective parents/guardians or students. We are, however, happy to provide a tour of the school. Please contact our school office if you would like to schedule a tour.

May my child spend a day in a classroom before deciding to attend Peaslee?

Unfortunately, for liability reasons, we cannot accommodate an extended classroom visit of a student not enrolled at Peaslee.